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Comet Time Intervention to Enrichment

SWSD Comet Time Program

Our Comet Time block has been embedded into the daily schedule during one 40 minute period each day.  Through some creative planning, our teachers will devote this time to both support and enrich all of our students. The goals of our program include:

  • To provide a time for students to receive necessary instruction that is geared to their specific needs

  • To provide an opportunity for ALL students to experience STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) within a hands-on enrichment model

  • To provide individual and small group support to students who need it through the Response to Intervention Model (RtI) based on teacher data.

    • Click HERE to go to our RtI Handbook for Families

  • To receive Character Education opportunities based on the 7 Habits of Happy Kids book that meets the needs of our students

  • To provide time to enhance the students' knowledge of soft skills (seen below within the Harker and Hill Comet Time)


  STEAM Night will be offered for students at Stratton, Harker, and Hill Schools.  This evening event is meant for the students, parents, and the community to come together and see the different areas of enrichment that the students have been exposed to through stations and fun activities.     

Stratton's STEAM Night TBD Harker's STEAM Night TBD Hill's STEAM Night TBD   Intervention Opportunities District Wide    During Comet Time, students will receive additional support within their classrooms to support their growth towards grade level standards and goals.  Students will have the opportunity to work in small group or individually with teachers on specific skills as part of our TIER 1 Strategies through the RtI.  Students who have proven to succeed within the curriculum may be provided with enrichment opportunities as depicted per building below.
Clifford School Enrichment Opportunities (to begin in November/December) See G&T Handbook for K-2 Information See Enrichment Selection Criteria Information Enrichment STEAM is a hands-on, STEAM based program where students are selected based on multiple measures of criteria.  These students will be pulled during Comet Time to work on projects in a small group.  Students who are selected will be informed December of each school year.         

Enrichment English Language Arts is a hands-on, library focused program where students are selected based on multiple measures of criteria.  These students will be pulled once a week for 6-8 weeks to work on author's study projects in a small group.  Every 6-8 weeks new students will be selected to be part of this enrichment group.   Comet Cohorts at Clifford  will be implemented during Trimesters 2 and 3 for Kindergarten students.  The cohorts will provide opportunities for students to participate in thematic lessons and activities for topics such as Reader's Theater, Oceanic Life, Space Exploration, and Technology Tools.  Class opportunities include:

  • Dinosaurs
  • STEM
  • Solar System

  Stratton Enrichment Opportunities for Students (to begin in November/December) See G&T Handbook for K-2 Information See Enrichment Selection Criteria Information  

Enrichment English Language Arts is a hands-on, library focused program where students are selected based on multiple measures of criteria.  These students will be pulled once a week for 6-8 weeks to work on author's study projects in a small group.  Every 6-8 weeks new students will be selected to be part of this enrichment group.  

Enrichment Music is a tone and rhythm focused group where students are selected based on multiple measures of criteria.  These students will be pulled once a week for 6-8 weeks to work on author's study projects in a small group.  Every 6-8 weeks new students will be selected to be part of this enrichment group.   Enrichment Technology will focus on hands on STEAM and technology concepts.  ALL students will have the opportunity to be enriched through STEAM and Technology through a rotating schedule with their homerooms. This program will begin around November of each school year.  

Enrichment Art allows students to dive into different variations of Art including painting, beginner sewing, sculptures, etc where students are selected based on multiple measures of criteria.  These students will be pulled once a week for 6-8 weeks to work on author's study projects in a small group.  Every 6-8 weeks new students will be selected to be part of this enrichment group.  

Comet Cohorts at Stratton will be implemented during all three trimesters and the students will rotate each trimester between the following classes: STEM, Character Education, and Social Studies.  Students will begin the year on Character Education and learning about the 7 Habits of Happy Kids from the Leader in Me book. All students will be able to participate in these cohorts and the goal will be to provide hands on enrichment opportunties focusing on the above topics. Within the three courses, the students will have the opportunity to be introduced and supported with soft skills including:

  • Responsibility
  • Contemplation
  • Initiative
  • Perseverance
  • Optimism
  • Courage
  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Adaptability
  • Honesty
  • Trustworthiness
  • Loyalty

    Harker and Hill School Enrichment Opportunities  See G&T Handbook for 3-6 Information See Enrichment Selection Criteria Information   Choir for 3rd and 4th Grade Students will have the opportunity to sign up and audition for choir.  The students will be able to perform at their own concert in March during Music in Our School's Month.   Select Choir for 5th and 6th Grade Students will audition to be included in this choir.  Students will be selected based on audition criteria and will perform in the Winter and Spring Concerts.    Band for 5th and 6th Grade Students will be able to sign up to be a member of the band and select an instrument to play in the band.  Students will have lessons weekly and will be held accountable for practicing, and then they will perform in the Winter and Spring Concerts.    

Comet Cohorts at Harker and Hill will be implemented during all three trimesters and students have an opportunity to participate in the Comet Cohorts program.  Students will begin the year on Character Education and learning about the 7 Habits of Happy Kids from the Leader in Me book. During Trimesters 2 and 3 the students will have enrichment choices that focus on enhancing soft skills including:

  • Responsibility
  • Contemplation
  • Initiative
  • Perseverance
  • Optimism
  • Courage
  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Adaptability
  • Honesty
  • Trustworthiness
  • Loyalty

  Pictures from Character Education Cohorts   Song about Character Education Habits      

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