Comet Code of Conduct
Swedesboro-Woolwich Transportation Department
Comet Code of Conduct
Be at the bus stop before the bus arrives-drivers are not required to wait for late students
Be on time to the bus stop- arrive 10 minutes before assigned time- allow 10 minutes past time
Maintain social distance at the bus stop
Never stand in the roadway; keep to the side
Do not damage surrounding property while waiting
Behave in a safe way while waiting
Wait for the driver to signal to cross the road
Wear a mask
Never push, crowd, shove or argue over being first on bus – You have assigned seats
Sit in your assigned seat
WEAR SEAT BELT- Sit facing forward- Remain seated at all times
Keep aisle clear (legs, book bags, musical instruments, etc. should not be obstructing the aisle)
Remain seated until it is time for the bus to unload
Treat bus driver with respect at all times – follow directions from the driver
Talk in a low voice only to your neighbor
Keep area clean
Appropriate usage of phones, tablets, electronics is expected
Never put head or arms out of the bus windows
Never shout out of the window or throw out any objects
NO EATING OR DRINKING on the bus at any time– this includes water, candy and gum
Report problems to the bus driver
Riding the school bus is a privilege!